What plants grow in LED light?

Plants need to grow, blossom and bear fruit for photosynthesis, and the most important factor of photosynthesis is light. Basically all plants need light to grow.LED grow light is very suitable for indoor seed growth, and also suitable for indoor plant growth, such as orchids. With a set of grow lights, you can plant many plants indoors, including indoor plants, orchids, and even some fruits and vegetables, crops.

LED light is expected to become an indoor plant growth lamp. The small size, high efficient energy use and less heat of LEDs make them particularly useful in narrow or enclosed areas. Most plants need full-spectrum light for optimal growth. Blue and white LEDs are beneficial to foliage plants and can be combined with red light to provide a broad-spectrum environment.

Compared with other types of grow lights, such as fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps and high-intensity discharge lamps, plants use LED grow lamps, which have many advantages. LEDs are much more energy efficient and compact, and do not pose the threat of exposure to toxic mercury when broken like fluorescent lamps. In contrast, incandescent bulbs are hot and have a short life. LED grow light is very suitable for providing specific wavelength light, and can be customized according to the needs of plants.

Plants need red light to induce flowering and fruiting. Indoor plants planted for flowering, such as African violet and begonias, or fruit plants such as tomato or pepper must have red light. However, these plants also need a certain amount of supplemental blue light to stimulate healthy growth. If only grown under blue or white LEDs, these plants will not achieve the desired effect. May they can’t flowering and fruiting.

Most plants use a combination of red and blue light, while LED plant grow lights are mostly full spectrum. It contains white light, blue light and red light for plant growth, and there is no excess light. Therefore, the best light of all types of indoor plants combines full-spectrum led grow light including red and blue light. Different plants respond to different proportions of red and blue light at different stages of their development.

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