The Highest Yield Grow Lights For Indoor Plants

Which is the most highest yield grow light? What makes a LED grow light yield higher than the other? Is there a grow lamp that is much better than other lamps? These are the problems we often see.

First of all, what determines the yield when growing indoors?

Many growers attribute the productivity of indoor plants growing to the quality of plant grow lights. In fact, there are many factors needs to be considered like; grow Light, Nutrients, soil, and watering. Pot size. Plant & grow space management (including temperature, humidity, CO2) .also with Strain.

Just like a small potted plant can never grow as big as a large potted plant, even if it is excellent in other aspects. Plants that do not get the right amount of nutrition can never grow as big as plants that only get the right combination of nutrients.

In fact, if the other aspects of growth management are not good enough, even the best grow lights, the most potential grow lamps to achieve the highest harvest will not meet the requirements.

But we mainly discuss plant grow lights, and they are divided into high, middle and low-end plant grow lamps, which also with expensive and cheap

Light: more light = higher yield

This is correct to some extent. We measure the amount of light (or light intensity) in a given area as PPFD. High PPFD = lots of light. Low PPFD = insufficient light. PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) is measured in µ mol / m2 / s.

There are general PPFD recommendations for marijuana plants grown in indoor communities. High PPFD is defined as 500-800 µ mol / m2 / s.

Mature cannabis plants perform well when given high PPFD levels, so a lamp covering as many plant areas as possible and having high PPFD will lead to high yield.

For plant grow lamps, consideration should be given to how the light intensity (PPFD) of the grow lamp, the light footprint diagram of the lamp or the PPFD diagram covers an area.

Generally speaking, the more light a grow light emits, the more expensive it is. The more diodes the lamp has, the stronger the driver required to power the diodes.

In fact, the output from the grow light will depend on the power consumed by the lamp and its efficiency (efficiency) and the extent of the light used to cover the plants.

Compared with the middle end or low end grow lamps, the high-end plant growth lamps are made of high quality and efficient parts, and Watt usually emits more light per consumption. However, the latter two will be cheaper than high-end lamps. Generally speaking, the higher the cost of a lamp, the better its performance.

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