How to use LED Grow Light for indoor plants?

All plants need light to grow, The growth of plants requires photosynthesis, and the most important factor for photosynthesis is the need for light. but scientists have found that different colors have different effects on plant growth. Although sunlight looks white, it has all the colors in the spectrum. Like Purple and blue light in the range of 400-520nm promotes chlorophyll absorption, photosynthesis and growth. Red light in the 610-720nm spectral range promotes flowering and germination.

The natural light of the sun contains the full spectrum, including all colors of the rainbow. Plants use all these color spectra that exist in sunlight, the most important of which are red and blue. Green plants absorb ultraviolet, red, blue and infrared spectra. However, green and yellow are not required. Some plants may benefit from green and yellow light, but most plants see the best results from red and blue spectra. The ideal led for planting plants should be UV LED, red LED or blue LED.

The outdoor growing cycle is very limited, so more and more gardener growers  tend to plant growing indoors, and if they grow indoors, light is the primary problem to be solved. Therefore, grow lights appeared, which solved the major problem of indoor plants growing. At present, many plant grow lamps on the market, in fact, the best-selling is HPS, HID, CFL and LED. In particular, led plant grow lamp has become a new leading technology of indoor growing lighting.

LEDs are light emitting diodes. An LED is basically a semiconductor that emits light when an electric current flows through it. Semiconductors or diodes restrict the flow of electrons so that they emit light. Then plants can use light for photosynthesis. This process is very effective and releases very little heat.

LED technology allows growers to choose different light spectrum for different growth stages. LED grow lights are classified as full spectrum, which means they are very similar to natural sunlight and give a pleasing white light. This is the type of grow light you can find in the DMXGROW LED grow light series.

LED Grow Lights are perfect for indoor seed starting, as well growing as light-loving houseplants, such as orchids. With a set of grow lights, you can grow many plants indoors, including houseplants, orchids, and even some fruit and vegetable crops. The two most important colors of LED lights are red and blue. Red is the main component required for photosynthesis and stem elongation inhibition in plants. In addition, it also sends signals to plants that there are no other plants on it, so it can develop unchecked.

Generally, LED grows lights should be placed from 14 to 30 inches above the plants. One of the biggest advantages of using LEDs is that they put off so little heat. So, you can place them close to your plants without worrying about burning them. Like;


The seedlings are very delicate, so the LED grow lamp is usually installed 24-36 inches above the crown of the plant. Although, this depends entirely on the wattage in the light source. Putting the LED grow lamp at the farthest distance from the seedling can prevent the plants from becoming dry.


Within two to three weeks, roots are usually established and begin to germinate. At the plant growth stage, the LED plant grow lamp is 12-24 inches away from the top of the plant. In the vegetative stage, plants need more light for photosynthesis.

3- Flowering bloom

Finally, once a plant enters flowering, its demand for light will be reduced. Now, to produce flowers, the top leaves of the plant should be 18-24 inches away from the light source to start flower growth.

To be effective, LED grow lights do need to open at least 8-10 hours a day. Depending on the growth stage, it can be up to 16 hours. In addition, grow lights are always placed above plants. If your grow lights are hot, make sure that they are not touching plants or too close to plants. Young or shade loving plants can avoid strong light, while some plants prefer stronger light, such as marijuana.

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