Why are led lights good for plants?

With the continuous development of indoor cultivation, indoor plants cultivation has become the trend of agriculture in the future. It is estimated that 30% to 50% of solar radiation is blocked by greenhouse structure and glass before reaching plants. In areas with long dark winters and short growing seasons, this is a greater challenge, and supplementary lighting is needed to optimize crop production. The best lighting source (main or supplementary) for indoor cultivation operation is led. For various reasons and advantages, LED is replacing many traditional lighting systems in new and newly decorated planting business.

Know that plants use only visible light (the color of the light we see every day) for photosynthesis. The grow light is an electric lamp that helps plants grow. Grow lights either attempt to provide spectra similar to that of the sun, or provide spectra that are more suitable for the needs of cultivated plants. Outdoor conditions are simulated by the different color, temperature and spectral output of grow light and the intensity of different lamps. Depending on the type of cultivated plant, the stage of cultivation (e.g. germination / vegetative period or flowering / fruiting period), the photoperiod required by the plant, specific spectral range, luminous efficiency and color temperature, it is suitable for specific plants and time periods.

Just like fluorescent and incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs produce light that is needed by plants. Most plants need light waves of red and blue. The chemicals that control plant growth respond to both colors differently. The LED grow light has created a specific spectrum of artificial light to help support the chemical process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a chemical process in which light energy is transformed into energy required for plant growth and production. Growth light is found when a range of heat and light wavelength are required to support indoor and outdoor vegetation. Although some types of bulbs can be purchased separately, they can usually be found in specific devices or lighting panels to help focus their light output.

Compared with the old grow lamps, the initial price of LED grow lamps is higher, but it is not as high as people usually think, because the cost of LED technology is steadily decreasing every year. In addition, LEDs will soon recover costs in a variety of ways. Savvy growers know that the total cost of ownership (TCO) must be considered beyond the purchase price of the required equipment.

According to the US Department of agriculture (USDA), energy cost is the third largest expenditure of most growers, of which lighting cost accounts for a large part – supplementary lighting of greenhouse and indoor single light source operation. When measuring between lamps, the efficiency of LED is 66% higher than that of traditional HPS (high pressure sodium) lamp. If you include the fine control provided by LEDs that HPS lamps do not have, energy efficiency will be higher.

LED can not only save growers’ electricity bills, but also reduce other costs. LEDs represent significant energy and money savings because they reduce the demand for air conditioning.

LED grow lights with some advantages;

Energy saving

LED lights are very energy-saving. They use less energy to produce the same amount of light as their peers, and they don’t use any chemicals to do this.

Low calorie to ensure your plant safety

To generate energy, you need a certain amount of heat. However, LEDs use less energy to produce a lot of light, which means they produce the least heat.

Full spectrum

LEDs can produce any light in the spectrum. This means that you will be able to buy any color you need for growth purposes.


Because the LED is very durable and can withstand cold, high temperature and water.


For example, LEDs can be controlled on dimmer switches and timers. This function alone is very useful when you grow agricultural products. You can automatically set the time you want them to open during the day, and you can control the amount of light they produce – usually directly through your phone

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