What’s the effect of green light for plants?

Light is essential to every plant. Chlorophyll allows plants to convert energy from light into sugar. Plants use sunlight to produce energy. The process they do this is called photosynthesis. Chlorophyll in plants is a pigment that absorbs light. Light consists of three different colors: red, blue and green. Green plants have this color because they reflect it in the spectrum. In other words, chlorophyll in plants absorbs red and blue light more easily than green light. Green light will be defined as radiation with a wavelength between 500-600 nm. Photosynthesis is driven by photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). In the spectrum, par ranges from 400 to 700 nm. Green light is included in the par range, so it can drive photosynthesis, but it is not as good as red or blue light Red and blue light are important to plants, but other light frequencies can also have a great impact on growth. Compared with these two light colors, the effect of green light on plant growth is not very clear. We often find that red and blue light are mainly used for LED lamps manufactured for plant growth applications.

Plants react differently to different colors of light. Whether the color of light is red or purple, plants absorb some energy from the light they receive.

Green light is often the least effective for plant growth. You can see that green light is not absorbed by plants because plants look green – green light is reflected from plants, not absorbed by plants. In other words, green light is still useful for photosynthesis, but it is far less important than red or blue light.

The main reason why green light is said to be useless to plants is that it is poorly absorbed by chlorophyll. However, chlorophyll absorption is usually measured in test tubes (in vitro) using extracted and purified chlorophyll, rather than using intact leaves (in vivo).

Green light is actually harmful to the growth of other plants. Plant development, especially when they are still seedlings, is actually damaged by green light. It has been found that green light can reverse the stem growth of specific plant varieties. Although green light will not lead to direct plant death, it will have adverse effects due to the lack of photosynthesis. Red and blue light are actually light that produces the energy required for photosynthesis and plant growth and development.

However, compared with other colors in the visible spectrum, green light still has some advantages. Green light may penetrate the canopy better. This makes the low leaves grow more luxuriant, which may lead to better overall yield. In a limited number of cases, when used with other colors, green light has the potential to create stronger and fuller plants.

Although green light can improve the speed of photosynthesis, increase the quality and height of plants and improve visibility. It also has strong blade penetration ability.

But too much green light can have a negative impact on your plants. Green light can counteract the effect of blue light on plants. Many important processes in plants are triggered by blue light, and studies have shown that green light can inhibit them. Therefore, the extensive use of green light will reduce photosynthesis and reduce the yield of plants.

Green light may have a negative impact on THC levels in marijuana unless it is used in combination with large amounts of blue and red light. For the sake of safety, please choose a grow lamp that emits an appropriate amount of green light and a large amount of red and blue light.

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