What is light dep cannabis?

What does “light dep” mean?

What does “light dep” mean? For those who grow marijuana, most people know that when the light is insufficient, it is also called light dep greenhouse, which is a greenhouse that artificially controls the amount of light received by plants in the greenhouse. Light deprivation determines the frequency and amount of light that plants receive.

Many experts in the cannabis industry have begun to use this greenhouse cultivation method. Light deprivation is the use of shading fabrics to reduce the time that plants receive sunlight, effectively triggering them to start flowering as needed. This process of controlling the amount of sunlight allows greenhouse growers to use the most efficient and cost-effective light source, the sun, instead of just producing one crop per year.

Many flowering plants, especially marijuana, rely on a specific photoperiod to regulate their flowering. This is called the photoperiod. When plants are exposed to a certain degree of darkness, the flowering cycle is triggered. Different cannabis varieties depend on different levels of darkness, which is the most useful place for light deprivation. By controlling the amount of light and darkness that the strain receives, marijuana growers can force plants in greenhouses and growing rooms to bloom earlier than normal. Cultivation by light deprivation is usually accomplished by simulating 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark light cycle, usually using greenhouses and dark shades strategically placed at the right time. This changes the length of the days and nights in the late summer months and will trigger cannabis plants to bloom much faster than they do themselves.

An obvious benefit of growing in a four-season greenhouse is increased environmental control; Outdoor crops are more susceptible to fluctuations in temperature and rainfall, as well as air pollutants and pests such as rodents. With the normalization of the cannabis industry, more and more growers are learning the benefits of controlling the plant photoperiod through the use of light deprivation. Marijuana growers using light deprived greenhouses are now able to produce consistently higher quality yields at lower production costs. This may mean harvesting up to four times a year, which in turn means lower costs for consumers, as growers are producing more products and are able to lower price points in this competitive market.

Using the light deprivation cultivation method, the grower basically deprives the plants of sunlight according to the needs of the strains planted. Light deprivation can help marijuana growers seek dial-up control, increase the harvest of the production cycle, and protect their plants from outdoor pollutants.

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