How long can cannabis go without light?

Lack of light affects any plant, whether it likes light or not. All plants need a certain amount of light to survive. Plants need light to produce food and energy. So plants need light to survive. Plants use the sun to get energy to make food. They also need it to bloom and grow new leaves. If there is not enough sunlight, plants will begin to die due to lack of nutrition and energy – a condition known as yellow blight or yellowing.

Generally, the length of time that plants can survive without light can be between 4 and 20 days, depending on the amount of light that plants usually receive. Low light plants can survive for 12 to 20 days, while light loving plants can only last for 4 to 10 days before death. Plants without light will die of yellow blight.

Of course, although some plants can thrive in very little light, for most types of indoor plants, this can lead to death within a few weeks.

as everyone knows; Marijuana can grow and flourish in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments. For example, many amateur growers choose to use planting tents, closets or other enclosed spaces when growing marijuana indoors. These spaces are usually equipped with lighting or even humidity and temperature control systems to ensure the normal growth of marijuana.

If there is no light, there will be no photosynthesis, and marijuana cannot survive, and exposure to light is part of the process. Photosynthesis allows plants to absorb light energy from chlorophyll in their leaves and convert it into energy. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) nourish plants and make them produce sugar as energy.

Both light and darkness are necessary for marijuana to thrive at critical stages of its life cycle. Although plants can grow under continuous light during the vegetative stage, long-term darkness will cause plants to produce buds and reach sexual maturity at the flowering stage. Since the growth of cannabis plants absolutely requires light, most growers invest in lighting systems to simulate the spectrum of natural light. This is usually achieved by using high pressure sodium (HPS), metal halide (MH) or light emitting diode (LED) lamps. Although HPS and metal halide lamps have been used for many years, the LED industry for horticultural applications has grown rapidly due to its many advantages. Compared with discharge lamps, these advantages include design flexibility, low heat and low power consumption of LED lamps.

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