What are the most important things to consider when growing cannabis indoor?

More and more growers starting growing cannabis with cannabis Legality. So first thing you need to consider is if growing cannabis is legal or not before you start to cannabis cultivation.

1.Grow space – you want enough space to keep your plants out of contact with each other and let air flow around them. It’s easy at first. It’s tempting to plant a lot of plants in your space, but as they grow, you need to know when to stop flowering, or you’ll grow molds and insects in the jungle.

2. Ventilation / circulation – you need to be able to refresh the air by filtering the air supply and filtering the exhaust. The filtered exhaust gas will help reduce the smell, You need to consider whether your lamp is passive cooling or active cooling. If you don’t pay attention to this part, you will find that you have serious humidity problems, which will lead to all kinds of problems.

3. Lighting – most people using HPS at the moment and high-pressure sodium lighting is the best in flowering. But LED Grow light is the trending now. Not only easy install, But also with high efficiency, However, if you want to reduce costs, you can use only one model. How many lights and watts to use will depend on the area of the room

4. Temperature – this will be combined with lighting and ventilation / circulation. Grow Lights give off a lot of heat, especially HPS, LED grow light with better heat dissipation system. and you need to figure out how to use it.

5.Nutrients – this is a simple but important step.

6.Soil media – you’ll find a lot of media. so you just need to experiment with different soils until you find what you want.

7.Pest control – this can be difficult because there are so many products to choose from, and each product has different functions. In addition, knowing what is eating your plants can cause anxiety!

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