Where is the best place to grow marijuana indoors?

First of all, it is necessary to confirm whether it is legal to grow cannabis, whether indoor or outdoor, combination with most factors;

If it is cannabis cultivation indoors, many factors need to be considered, such as;

Grow space

Grow method

Ventilation / circulation

Full Spectrum LED Grow Light



Soil media

Pest control…

Among them, light is more important. Marijuana is a strong light plant, so grow lights are essential. Then consider whether the noise brought by the equipment and the smell of marijuana will affect the neighbors, and then choose a suitable indoor grow room; Of course, home growers can also use tents to grow few cannabis inside.

If you grow cannabis outdoors, you may consider several factors.

Grow space

Grow method

Soil media


Pest control

Because it is outdoors and there is sufficient sunshine, led grow lights are no longer needed (which can save a lot of costs).

However, these factors need to be considered whether it is planted indoors or outdoors;

1. Safety

2. Soil

3. Nutrition

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