What are the common mistakes when growing marijuana indoors?

Generally speaking ; Reducing costs in a growing number of devices is the worst and most common mistake people make when growing cannabis indoor ! If you want to get useful benefits, investing in your grow space is the best choice, especially in lighting and genetics.

About lighting, we recommend high quality LED Grow Light. And genetics, look for a well-known brand with good genetics.

It’s also with other mistakes as belows;

Wrong fertilizer

The most common reason is the use of too much fertilizer and / or too much water.

late to identify pests

PH management

Managing pH is one of the technical details that almost all growers must know it.

Hang the LED Grow Light to the high / low

It is important to ensure that the marijuana grow lamps is placed at the correct height. If they are too high, your cannabis plants will not get enough light. This will cause them to consume a lot of energy in order to grow in the direction of light.

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