What is the best LED spectrum for marijuana growing?

What is the spectrum?

The sun releases energy in the form of solar radiation, including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, and even radio waves. This filtering process only allows light with a wavelength between 300 nm and 1100 nm to reach our factory, and we can see a smaller part of the light. It is commonly referred to as spectrum, color spectrum or visible spectrum, and ranges from 380nm to about 750nm.

Growth spectrum refers to the electromagnetic wavelength of light generated by the light source to promote plant growth. For photosynthesis, plants use the wavelength of light in the par (photosynthetic effective radiation) region (400 nm – 700 nm) to measure in nanometers (nm). Nanometer is a universal unit of measurement, but it is also used to measure the spectrum.

180-280nm-UVCc: extremely harmful. Fortunately, it is almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer

280-315nm – UVB: cause of sunburn, suspected to increase thc levels (!)

315-400nm – UVA: it is not absorbed by the atmosphere and is usually called black light

380-750nm – visible spectrum: the wavelength band represents the visible color

700nm-1mm – infrared light: not visible above 750nm, but heat can be observed on our skin

So what’s the best led light spectrum for marijuana grow?

It depends on which stage your marijuana plant is at, For a marijuana plant in the vegetative stage, blue light that ranges from 400 to 500 nm is best. The ideal range is 460 nm, in this stage, the plants are signaled to grow strong, healthy, and large leaves. In the flowering period, more red light ranging from 620 to 780 nm can be used for the highest yields.

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