What’s the pros and cons of CO2 for growing cannabis indoor ?

If you are an experienced grower. You must understand the advantages and disadvantages of adding carbon dioxide when growing marijuana indoors.


1. Faster growth and higher yield : once you make the most of other constraints, such as grow light, carbon dioxide can provide more than 20% boost to your return. It can also increase the growth rate of plants by the same amount.

2. Safety: if you seal the room, carbon dioxide can improve safety because no odor is discharged. If you use a carbon dioxide generator, it will produce a “natural” smell, masking the smell of weeds.

You can raise the room temperature: if you keep the carbon dioxide concentration at 1200-1500 ppm, you can raise the temperature to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.


1. High cost: the process of injecting carbon dioxide into the planter is expensive, especially if you operate on a large scale. The cheapest way to add carbon dioxide is also the least effective. However, they can at least show you the potential to add carbon dioxide. On the bright side, most of the cost comes from starting the equipment.

2. Not effective with some grow lights, it needs Strong grow lights: if CFLs or T5 are used, sufficient effect will not be obtained. Instead, we recommend using powerful LED grow lights or investing in MH or HPS settings.

3. Sealed growth chamber – adding only a small amount of carbon dioxide does not require a sealed chamber, but if you try to maintain a high carbon dioxide level (such as the recommended 1200-1500 ppm), you should seal the growth area to prevent carbon dioxide leakage. You have to do this because the high concentration of carbon dioxide is harmful to human body.

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