When we should add CO2 for cannabis grow?

Carbon dioxide plays a role in three main life processes of plants; photosynthesis, transpiration and breathing.

Cannabis plants have four stages. Avoid supplementing carbon dioxide during germination and seedling stage. Once these cannabis plants are photosynthetic, you can start introducing the CO2.Ideally,Using carbon dioxide during the vegetative and flowering stages.

Vegetative stage

At this stage of development, plants begin to use water, grow light and carbon dioxide for cannabis photosynthesis. This is the fastest stage of cannabis growth and requires additional nutrition, care and training.

Vegetative growth stage is very important to produce healthy and high-quality buds. Many growers choose to extend this stage to improve yield. When you add carbon dioxide during vegetarianism, it can make crops grow stronger and faster.

Flowering stage

In order to significantly promote growth and bud production, it is recommended by many growers to add carbon dioxide to the growth chamber 2-3 weeks before flowering. Using extra carbon dioxide during flowering can not only speed up the process, but also increase the size of flowers.

For cannabis plants, additional carbon dioxide is particularly important during flowering. However, it is equally important to combine additional carbon dioxide with appropriate grow lighting. Additional carbon dioxide and 12 hours or more of light will thicken the buds on your marijuana plant, providing greater yield!

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