How long does it take marijuana plants to start to flower after planting seeds?

Growing cannabis plants, it takes an average of 10-32 weeks (about 3-8 months), depending on where you grow and what’s your seed. If you start with cloning (rooting and cutting) or auto flowering seeds, this is a faster process. The greatest change in the time required for the growth of cannabis plants will occur in the vegetative period after seedling stage and before flowering.

The quality of a plant depends on your understanding of the cannabis growth stage and the life cycle of the cannabis plant.

Every plant starts with a seed. Cannabis seeds should germinate like other seeds. They can germinate anywhere between 3 and 10 days,

Plants are considered seedlings about 2-3 weeks after germination. During this period, if the cannabis plant grows outdoors, it should be moved to a place in direct sunlight. If you are growing indoors, please set the LED Grow light to run 16 hours a day.

According to different varieties, the vegetative growth stage can last from 3 to 16 weeks. At this stage, indoor cannabis plants need 16-18 hours of grow light a day, and outdoor plants need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight plus a few hours of indirect sunlight. At this point, they also need a lot of nitrogen, because nitrogen is a nutrient to promote the healthy growth of leaves.

Marijuana blooms when the amount of grow light received decreases. If you cannabis plant indoors, when you’re ready to start the flowering phase, change your light to a 12 / 12 cycle (12 hours on and 12 hours off). You will see signs of flowering in 1-3 weeks. On average, plants can be harvested 8-11 weeks after flowering.

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