Why choose LED grow light instead of other grow lights?

Led stands for light emitting diode. LED is a form of solid-state lighting. It uses a semiconductor chip called LED die to convert current into photons through a process called electroluminescence. The LED can be configured as a single chip transmitter installed on the circuit board or as a chip array directly installed on the circuit board. The LED lamp is composed of LED installed on the radiator, directional lens and power supply.

LED grow lights are great because they with many advantages;

1-High efficiency

Any high-quality LED grow lights can only provide the precise wavelength required by plants (and the precise proportion they need), such as MH, HPS, fluorescent lamp, CMH, etc. you need to pay electricity for generating a large number of yellow and green wavelengths of light. Plants don’t use this light, so your money will be wasted.

2-Full spectrum LED grow lights

One of the main advantages of using LED grow lamp is the huge spectral energy they provide. When you choose led grow lighting, you don’t have to worry about turning off the lights when the cannabis growth cycle is ripe. Even better, you can install a system tailored to the type of plants you grow.

3- Good heat dissiaption

LED grow lights produce much less heat than other forms of lighting. This means you don’t have to pay operating costs for expensive cooling equipment.

4-Longer life

LED can not only improve efficiency and reduce temperature. You can also get more growth time from LED grow lights .LED plant grow lights usually last for 50000 hours or long time, while HID bulbs usually last 10000 to 18000 hours, depending on the specific type of bulb. Speaking of longevity, there is really no competition.

5-No additional equipment is required

For HID lamps, in addition to bulbs, reflectors and ballasts need to be purchased. LED grow lights  include everything you need. Just plug it in and open it. Toxic substances: CFL, HPS and MH contain mercury. When a lamp breaks down, your plants will be drenched with mercury, which will evaporate into the air and may enter your body through your lungs. LED grow lights do not contain toxic substances that may pose a risk to you or your plants

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