What’re the ways for ventilation in grow room?

Grow room ventilation system ensures a continuous flow of air between the outside world and the indoor growing area. It also includes some mechanisms to maintain the air flow in the growth chamber.

The most common grow systems use exhaust fans and pipes or a combination of pipes to maintain airflow. The circulating fan is used to maintain indoor air flow.

Here with few ways for grow room ventilation

Basic settings

At a minimum, you need two types of fans for basic ventilation settings.

1-Exhaust fan: you can also call it exhaust fan. These devices are installed to take away the hot and humid air in the growth room or tent.Together with pipes, they are used to guide air out of the room.

2-Extraction fan oscillation fan: these can be ordinary base fans. Their main purpose is to keep a warm breeze indoors.

3-Swing fan

Compared with exhaust fans, their settings are relatively less complex. If you have a larger growth space, you may need to use multiple fans.

4-Passive and active intake system

In order to balance the effect of one fan blowing air through the exhaust hole, you need another fan to introduce fresh air through the air inlet.

The best way to keep your grow space ventilated is by using an exhaust system that draws old, warm air out at the top of the room/tent, and draws cool, fresh air from the bottom of your grow space up through the plant canopy. Depending on the size of your space, you can also use simple fans to move air around

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