What’s the best temperature for cannabis growing?

We all know that light is an important condition for the growth of marijuana. In fact, the environment is also an important factor affecting the growth of marijuana, especially temperature and humidity. The indoor climate of cannabis cultivation has a great impact on the quality, yield and health of cannabis plants. The ideal environment helps plants thrive and reduces the problems of pests and pathogens.

In general, Cannabis plants in vegetative growth prefer temperatures between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. When they bloom, the temperature range of cannabis plants is about 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

For example;

Vegetable (plant) room

Temperature: 80 ° f

Relative humidity: 70%

Flower house

The fully mature plants were moved from the vegetable room to the flowering room. In the flowering room, the photoperiod was reduced to 12 hours and the plants began to bloom

Temperature: 70-80 ° f

Relative humidity: 40-60%

If your temperature is too low, the evaporation rate through the leaves will be reduced, resulting in less nutrients absorbed by the plant. Because cannabis plants lose water by evaporation, they absorb more water and nutrients to supplement the lost water and nutrients. If they absorb less nutrients, their growth will be hindered.

If your temperature is too high, the cannabis plant will grow more slowly. Temperatures above 80 ° f in the “flowering chamber” reduce the potency and odor of the buds. High temperatures also make plants more vulnerable to spider mites, powdery mildew, root rot and nutrient burning. This is especially true if the humidity is too high. Of course, the grow light you choose will greatly affect the indoor temperature. Lighting is the most important part of any growth kit. The HID lamp will output a lot of heat. 250-1000w HPS and MH bulbs are most commonly used by home growers. But it’s also a high heat lamp. The temperature of LED grow light is much lower. In addition, they will help reduce electricity bills

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