What are your considerations when switching 1000W HPS to LED grow lights in growing cannabis?

Based on the advantages of increasing energy saving, reducing heat output, prolonging service life and improving spectral efficiency, many growers are looking to switch from (HID) HPS to LED grow lights. Although LED grow light has many advantages over HID lamps, growers should know several things before switching;

1- The growth environment of marijuana may need to be changed. LED grow lights consume 40% less energy than HPS lamps because LED grow light do not emit heat as HPS lamps do, so growers who rely on the heat of HPS lamps to offset heating costs and / or plant growth will need to compensate in winter.

2. May additional infrastructure, such as installing facilities to hang LED grow lights. At present, there is no one-to-one absolute substitute for HPS to LED. Because HPS has a relatively large irradiation area. In many cases, each HPS lamp may need 2-3 LEDs, but Dmxgrow 960W full spectrum led grow light has the same illumination area as HPS.

3. Design of grow lights – most LED grow light can be built with external drivers (play and plug). This means you will reduce installation and maintenance costs.

4. Mixed utilization of HPS-LED – especially for the reason of spectrum, relatively speaking, HPS is more conducive to flowering period and LED is more conducive to growth period. A large number of growers will mix the two grow lights.

5.Cost; The input cost of LED and HPS is different, and the maintenance cost is also different because the service life is also different.

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