What is light deprivation greenhouse?

Light deprivation, also known as “light depo” or “light dep”, is an agricultural planting technology, which controls the frequency and amount of light received by plants.

Light deprivation greenhouses achieve this by using shading materials to close plants and simulate different seasonal changes. The resulting darkness induces plants to bloom on command; This allows licensed marijuana growers to reduce the time required for plants to mature and enjoy multiple harvests per year compared to outdoor cultivation completely limited to one growing season.

Determining the best cannabis plant to grow in a light deprivation greenhouse can be attributed to an understanding of the photoperiod.

Light deprivation can help marijuana growers achieve control, increase the harvest of the production cycle, and protect plants from outdoor pollutants.

Light deprivation prompted the marijuana plant to begin the flowering process. To do this, growers use sunshades or other materials that allow only 12 hours of sunlight, simulating the amount of sunlight that plants can accept in the natural environment during flowering.

The main advantages of light deprivation is increased harvest, increased labor efficiency.

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