Why use LED supplementary lighting in greenhouses?

Greenhouse plant growing is highly automated. In the greenhouse, growers can accurately control the environment (such as temperature, humidity, air quality, lighting, etc.). Since the photosynthesis cycle of cannabis plant is 12 hours, it is very important to make up for the lost sunshine time and intensity in some seasons and geographical locations. The summer sun may shine 14 hours a day, but additional lighting may be necessary for other times of the year.

Growers often express concern that “the initial cost of LED grow light is too high”.

But the initial cost of buying LED grow lamp system is very worthwhile.

Customizable LED grow lights can optimize cannabis plant growth and plant quality. The indoor LED grow light system can provide a special light spectrum( full spectrum led) specifically for the most beneficial light range of cannabis plants (blue / red / far red spectrum (400 to 735 nm)..

Some additional benefits of Full spectrum LED grow lights in reducing long-term labor and production costs include:

The energy consumption of LED plant light is 50% to 60% lower than that of HID lamps. Because there is no filament to burn, the life of LED cannabis grow lights is longer (more than 50000 hours, compared with 12000 to 13000 hours for most HID lamps). LED grow lights with less heat, reducing HVAC costs and fire risk

Unlike HID lamps, LED plant grow light do not require external ballasts to further reduce power consumption. Best led grow light bars are smaller and more robust than HID lamps. They glow faster, do not require warm-up time, and can focus light output on plants through appropriate optical lenses

With the increase of medical marijuana cultivation and environmental management becoming a greater focus, legislation on the use of energy consuming lighting systems is likely to be introduced. Growers with LED growth lights have received subsidies and rebates.

After all. Low or No Heat Emission: The LED grow lights produce the least amount of heat. As compared to the HPS, or HID lights, they emit significant heat that burns the plant foliage. LED lights produce enough light and brightness for the plants and also reduces the emission of other harmful particles.

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