The Factors of investing grow light for plants

Medical marijuana cultivation is booming. Not only are more and more governments allowing the growth of this crop to be subject to certain regulations, but the demand of the pharmaceutical industry is also increasing.

Integral method

Plant grow lights have obvious added value in the cultivation of medicinal marijuana, to produce higher yield. At the same time, the initial investment is relatively high. The choice of light spectrum and light source type (HPS, LED or CMH and HPS combination) has an impact on the operating energy cost

Greenhouse type ( indoor)

Many aspects will play a role in the selection of indoor grow lights. growers’ goals and accompanying business cases are the most important starting point.

Are cannabis grown without sunlight (indoor grow lights) or in traditional glass greenhouses? With the rise of medicinal marijuana cultivation, more and more people choose the traditional greenhouse with sunlight or supplement grow lights . This will have an impact on lighting because marijuana is a short day plant that can easily get too much light in summer. This means that you need to consider using a screen to block external light.

Growth system and climate system

The type growth system is an important aspect to consider when choosing a cannabis grow light. Will growers use concrete bases, flower pots, drains or substrates? Logically, the climate system in the traditional greenhouse is different from the “indoor agricultural solution”. In addition, the existence of cooling, heating, oxygen and carbon dioxide has an effect on the choice of plant grow light solutions.

Local situation

When choosing the type of light source (HPS, LED or CMH light source), we will consider the local situation with growers. In the environment without sunlight, we always choose led grow light. This may be different in traditional greenhouses. We also consider local energy prices and ambient temperatures in various cases. We have different growth stages. For each cultivation stage, we recommend specific grow light with special spectrum or full spectrum and specific lighting strategy.

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