Are LED grow lights harmful to human body?

Light is actually harmful to human body. There are three main points; Harm of light quality; Light intensity hazard and high heat hazard of thermal light source.

1-Harm of light quality

The conventional led plant lights simulates the visible light in the sunlight and does not contain ultraviolet (the ultraviolet wavelength is less than 400nm). There are a few, but the amount is small, which is far lower than the ultraviolet intensity in the noon sunlight, so there is no need to worry. However, it should be noted that the red and blue led plant light emits pink light. If people are in this situation for a long time, they will have nausea and dizziness due to the light color.

2-Hazard of light intensity

Strong light irradiation is harmful to the eyes, so you can’t look directly at the noon sun. You will feel dizzy for a while, and there is a risk of burning your eyes after a long time. The intensity of fill light is far less than that of sunlight, so it has little impact on people, but we don’t want to see fill light all the time.

3-Harm of light and heat

The harm of light and heat mainly refers to that some light sources emit light through the conversion of heat energy into light energy. There is a lot of heat in the light. Too high heat is easy to burn the human body. Incandescent lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS grow lights) are all thermal light sources. The plant lamp made of thermal light source generally has large heat. If the hanging grow light is too close, it will often burn branches and seedlings, and the relative power consumption is high.

At present, many plant grow lights on the market are led grow light sources. LED grow light strip is a cold light source, which is directly converted into light energy through electric energy. The LED grow lights spectral wavelength can be accurately configured, and the spectrum can also be customized according to the different needs of different crops in different growth periods. Dmxgrow led grow light full spectrum adopts LED light-emitting technology to accurately determine the wave band required for plant growth, customize specials spectrum for different plant growth habits, and greatly improve the efficiency of plant photosynthesis, so as to improve production capacity.

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