How to increase planting yield: what is the yield of a single plant of marijuana?

There are many factors affecting the yield of cannabis, and the cultivation methods are different every time. No one can provide a fixed number, but we can give some reasonable numbers for reference.

1-Indoor cannabis cultivation- average yield and influencing factors

When you grow marijuana indoors, grow light is the most important. Experienced growers can produce about 1 gram (1 gram = 0.035 ounces) of marijuana per watt. According to this, a 400 Watt HPS grow light may produce about 400 grams (14 ounces) of dry usable marijuana. Similarly, the 1200watt HPS grow light can produce about 1200 grams (42 ounces) of marijuana.

Factors affecting:

Suitable equipment, LED Grow light

Adequate nutrient solution

Beneficial air quality

Sufficient growth space and plant spacing

Indoor soil cultivation – “soil cultivation” indoor cultivation of marijuana

Although the relative yield of soil culture is low, it is better to operate. This is because it not only creates a buffer zone for errors, but also retains nutrients in the soil.

When growing in soil, pH and TDS have room for error and pay a price in yield.

Indoor hydroponics – “hydroponics” produces more marijuana indoors

The yield of hydroponic culture is generally 20% higher than that of soil culture. But the fault tolerance rate is lower. You must be very careful with TDS and pH, because the roots are directly in water (not soil), and incorrect values will immediately affect the plant.

Outdoor – average yield of plants growing cannabis outdoors

The expected production is 500 grams (17.5 ounces) of marijuana. Be sure to have enough plant spacing (at least two meters), and pay attention to water, nutrients and insect prevention.

It’s best to sprout the seedlings indoors, where you can better control the humidity and temperature, and then move them outdoors.

Finally, best led grow light is very important for your cannabis.

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