Factors to pay attention to when purchasing quantum board

Quantum board with a much simpler thermal management system with much greater efficiency. Also, it has much lower power consumption which can minimize the overall cost of heat sinks

When you plan to buy quantum board LED grow lights to grow cannabis indoors, you need to remember the following basic factors:

1-Number of LEDs   –   you need to check the number of LED lights on the quantum board led grow light  –  Actually the more LEDs, the better the intensity of light   –   the faster your cannabis plant grows.

2-Coverage –  the greater the coverage, the better for you. However, if you are a small-scale grower who grows cannabis for personal or homer growers, you can see 3 × 3 and 2 × 2 basic grow lights for coverage. Most quantum board suitable for 4x4ft grow tent.

3. Power consumption. – these Led grow lamps usually consume less power than traditional HID grow lights. 50%. At present, almost all plant grow lamps also support dimming, so as to further reduce power consumption. In addition, check the actual power consumption of the grow lights based on the mentioned wattage (usually less than claimed).

4. Heat dissipation – heat dissipation is an important part of the quantum board lighting solution, because these grow lamps usually heat up rapidly because they do not have any built-in fans. They need a good radiator to dissipate heat, and they also need good air circulation in the growing room / grow tent.

5-Spectrum –   check whether you get full spectrum led light, or whether this is the specific type of lighting you get. Sometimes, you will get a full spectrum quantum board LED, and in some cases, there are specific models that provide red or blue (warm or cool) spectrum lighting. Warm red light is conducive to flowering and pre flowering stage, while blue light is conducive to plant vegetative growth stage.

6. Cost and warranty –   cost and warranty period are always important. Some grow lights offer you a long-term warranty of 2 to 5 years, while others offer a one-year warranty. In addition, the price of grow light is also very important, because it is very important for buyers of any product!

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