What size of LED grow lights do I need to grow a marijuana plant and a 2 x 2 tent?

Since there are so many models of LED plant grow lamps available in the market, it is very difficult for the first time to buy a grow light for the beginners, To know which one is the best grow lamp for 2×2 tent. Here’s what you should consider:

1 – Your crop

In fact, the type of LED grow lights you purchase depends largely on the type of plant you plan to grow. You should also consider how long a plant grows under light before it is transplanted into an indoor hydroponic system. You may also want to consider how many plants you plan to fill your 2×2 grow tent with.

2 – The size of your growing space

Although you are basically buying grow lamps for a 2×2 tent, you may use the LED plant grow lamp in a larger place. A standard LED grow light must be able to use more than 32 watts per square foot. Therefore, 2×2 grow tents require lighting with a minimum rating of 128 watts. For example, quantum board LED plant grow lamp 120W.

3 – High quality LED grow light

The overall quality of LED plant grow lamps is also the focus of growers’ attention; We recommend that the grow light you choose has the following properties:

Top brand semiconductor chip

The core of any LED grow light is a semiconductor chip. This very important chip converts electricity into light and can be used to determine the color of light according to the wavelength of the signal generating light. Top brand like Samsung lm301b, Philips and Seoul

Low heat

It is also important that the LED grow lights you buy will not generate too much heat. Most modern grow lamps are fanless and use aluminum radiators to dissipate heat without making fan noise.


Although you would think that all LED grow lights will provide the same full spectrum light, this is not always the case. Any light you choose must produce blue, red, red and white light. This “full spectrum” of light will help your plants grow from seedling to harvest while maintaining their health without the risk of burning.

Easy to use and install

Not only should it be able to install in a few minutes, but you also need to be able to adjust the height of the grow light as the plants grow. You should also look for lights designed to allow you to change the intensity of each important color.

Good warranty

Any electronic product will fail. Although the service life of LED plant grow lamp is very long, it is also an electronic product with extended warranty, which is always a very good thing for growers.

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