What light spectrum for weed?

For those who decide to plant marijuana indoors, there are all kinds of grow lights on the market. Marijuana is a booming industry, but it is not easy to ensure quality, which is why people prefer to grow marijuana by themselves at home or commercial growing. Growing your individual varieties also allows people to freely adjust the quality of cannabis plants.

Because outdoor cannabis growing is very limited, such as unpredictable weather conditions and insufficient space. Therefore, indoor cannabis cultivation has become the first choice for growers. Light is one of the key factors for healthy growth and high yield.

Spectrum is the wave range within the electromagnetic spectrum visible to us. Measured in nanometers (nm), the visible spectrum is between 380nm and 750nm on the scale. This means that the wavelength of the blue end of the visible spectrum is slightly shorter than that of the red end.

180-280nm – UVC: very harmful, fortunately almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer

280-315 nm – UVB: cause of sunburn and suspected to increase thc levels (!)

315-400nm – UVA: not absorbed by the atmosphere, commonly known as black light

380-750nm – visible spectrum: the band represents the visible color

700nm-1mm – infrared: invisible above 750nm, but it will obviously heat on our skin

Blue (400 – 500nm) – blue light is necessary for plants to grow strong leaves and branches during their vegetative cycle. Providing a large amount of blue can lead to short and dense plants, which is useful for growers trying to avoid tall plants with long branches. Recommended for seedlings, especially when growing indoors.

Red / infrared (620 – 750nm) – red is important for expanding plant structure and promoting bud production. Naturally, plants use red light to identify day or night. During sunrise and sunset, when the wavelength is long, a small amount of infrared passes through the atmosphere. Cannabis plants grow higher in infrared light until the visible red becomes more direct. like Cannabis, which rely on longer periods of darkness, 730nm can be used at the end of a light cycle to promote flowering.

The general rule is that “blue” light = plants with shorter and stronger leaves, and “red” light = plants with higher and weaker leaves (compared with plants growing under “blue” light).

Generally, Fluorescent for seedlings. Metal Halide for vegetative. High Pressure Sodium for Flowering. LED grow light for vegetation and flowering. Fluorescent lamps provide appropriate par suitable for seedlings or clones. However, for larger cannabis plants, you will want to provide stronger lighting for the plants.

The output standard PPFD of HID lamp (such as high-pressure sodium salt) or metal halide (MHD) is high, which has become the standard of indoor high-quality bud. The heat generated by these lights means that you must set up a ventilation system in the planting room.

Since the past decade, LED lighting technology is a new field. The LED grow lamps is specially designed to distinguish the most specific colors that plants absorb most during photosynthesis. This means that led grow light system manufacturers do not have to waste energy on colors (green) that plants cannot absorb. Today, LED technology has been greatly developed. LED grow lamps are more cost-effective and energy-efficient than traditional lamps.

When you buy LED grow lights, they may be more expensive than other traditional grow lights. However, in the long-term use process, it will save you more. When using the same amount of electricity, LED lights can emit more available light, which helps plants grow faster.

In addition, because LED lights produce less heat, it will be easier and cheaper to control the temperature of the growing garden. Also; LED lamps are usually designed with specific light waves required for growth, so they can best stimulate plant growth and high yield. For experienced growers, you can expect a yield of 1gpw. If you are a new grower, the use of LED grow lights will also help, because its operability will greatly reduce the risk of damage to plants.

Full spectrum LED grow lamp has become the most cost-effective solution for modern indoor hemp growers.

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