What equipment is needed to grow indoor cannabis?

As the marijuana industry is rising and becoming more and more popular. Marijuana is a plant with a wide range of uses. For many years, CBD (cannabinoid) has become a well-known natural tonic. More and more states legalize the use of cannabis, and CBD products can be seen everywhere.

With the high demand for these products, more legal growth space is needed. In particular, indoor cultivation is particularly popular. Of course, to correctly produce cannabis and marijuana, we must first understand what is needed for growing cannabis. And before you start planting, the first question you should ask yourself is: where do I put all these plants? You must decide whether to use a planter’s room, basement, closet or tent? In addition, should we think clearly whether it is family planting or industrial planting? What area should be planted?

1 – Growing area and growing room

If it is a large plantation – Industrial

The industrial planting room needs a lot of supplies and equipment. In general, larger operations are located in large steel structures with supporting parts, and there are many different rooms for different growth stages. Before hanging them in a dry room with micro controlled temperature and humidity, there are some rooms where plants can be cultivated and clones can be developed. Large buildings also have clean rooms for pruning, weighing and packaging. With the expansion of scale, the industrial planting house can support hundreds of plants on automated shelves and trays. Industrial planters also require a lot of maintenance.

If it is a family planting tent – small scale

If you are a small-scale grower, you can choose to plant in your spare room, closet or planting tent at home. Most beginners or small-scale planters will use planting tents. The planting tent has a solid frame made of metal rods and a cover that can reflect light back to the plant without allowing it to escape to other areas. The covering slides over the poles to complete the tent. It has zippers and ports for pipes, cables and planting equipment.

2 – Plant grow lamp

Whether using LED plant grow lamps, high-intensity discharge lamps (HID, such as HPS, MH and CMH lamps) or T5 plant lamps, plants cannot grow without sufficient good light. High quality plant growth lamps are essential to a successful garden. Your plant needs strong light to grow stably.

In the area where a planting room or tent is designated, it is used to plant plants and then occupy the area of the space (length x width). Calculate the total lighting system of this area. After calculating the wattage required for the planting room, you will need to determine the type of lamp to use: hid plant growth lamp, led plant growth lamp or T5 plant growth lamp. They have their own advantages and disadvantages, but here are some important factors to consider:

HID (HPS, MH and CMH) provides you with light that is closer to the solar spectrum than any other light. Plants absolutely love this light. But like the sun, they run very hot. This means that you are running these lamps with high power consumption and high heat, and you need to control heat.

Led plant growth lamp provides you with unparalleled strong spectrum. These lamps achieve ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) wavelengths that hid cannot achieve. This helps to improve flavor, aroma and root yield. However, it is worth mentioning that LEDs are generally much more expensive than hid with the same wattage, although their overall power consumption is indeed lower.

T5 fluorescent growth lamp will not release a large amount of heat, but can still increase the output. That is, because of the lower intensity, the output you get from these lamps will be lighter.

3-Air flow – exhaust, intake, circulation and filtration

Temperature control and air ventilation are essential for indoor planting. It is important to know where to remove old air and heat, and where to introduce fresh and clean air.

A circulating fan that mimics the natural breeze.

Ventilation and ducts direct hot air out of the planting chamber.

An exhaust fan that promotes the circulation of air and carbon dioxide in a ventilated planting chamber.

Air conditioning and carbon dioxide generator for sealing the planting room.

4 – Environmental control

Environmental control is generally temperature and humidity

If the temperature and humidity level of your planting room is poor, you will face the risk of growth stagnation, excessive plant pressure, mold, mold, pests and ultimately yield death. To ensure that your plants have a healthy growth cycle, please check your environment by measuring the temperature and humidity level of the growth space. The temperature of the growth chamber should be between 65 and 80 ° F. At the same time, the maximum humidity level should not exceed 70%,


Help your plants thrive with extra nutrients – Minerals dissolved in pure water.

6-Growth medium

The growth medium is the medium for you to grow marijuana roots. It can be soil, coconut shell, mineral wool, perlite, peat moss, water, vermiculite, hardened expansive clay, etc. Each media has its advantages and disadvantages. Do a lot of research and find the best way for you.

7-Growing system – soil or Hydroponics

Soil systems are very suitable for beginners because they are easy to use. Soil is rich in nutrients, in short, soil systems require minimal attention.

The hydroponic system has no soil at all, so you only need to mix nutrients into the reservoir to feed your plants. These systems can provide your plants with every nutrient they need.

Cocoa mixtures (such as coconut / perlite mixtures) are the best and most popular medium for any hydroponic system. It retains more nutrients than the soil and drains faster, allowing you to feed them more frequently. This leads to bigger plants and faster growth!

8-Other list

Controller – dispatcher and timer

Monitoring nutrition: pH and ppm levels

Pruning shears and trimmers

drying equipment

carbon dioxide

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