What does Red Therapy Light treat?

Researchers have been learning about red light therapy for some time. But there is not much research on it, they don’t know if it is better than other types of treatment methods and can help you cure. Red light therapy may help:
Dementia. In a small study, dementia patients who received regular near-infrared light therapy on their heads and noses for 12 weeks had better memory, better sleep, and less anger.
Toothache. In another small study, people with temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome (TMD) experienced reduced pain, clicking sound, and mandibular tenderness after receiving red light treatment.
alopecia. A study has found that men and women with androgenic alopecia, a genetic disease that causes hair loss, experience thicker hair after 24 weeks of using a household RLT device. People who used fake RLT devices in the study did not obtain the same results.
Osteoarthritis. A study has found that red light and infrared light therapy can reduce osteoarthritis related pain by more than 50%.
Tenonitis. A small study targeting 7 people showed that RLT can alleviate inflammation and pain in patients with Achilles tendinitis.
Wrinkles and other signs of skin aging and damage. Research has shown that RLT can smooth your skin and help eliminate wrinkles. RLT also helps to treat acne scars, burns, and signs of UV sunburn.

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