How Effective of Grow Lights?
LED grow light is a kind of plant grow lamp. It uses LED (light emitting diode) as light source. According to the growth law of plants, as a grow lamp that uses light instead of sunlight, it provides a growth…
LED grow light is a kind of plant grow lamp. It uses LED (light emitting diode) as light source. According to the growth law of plants, as a grow lamp that uses light instead of sunlight, it provides a growth…
LEDs are simply light emitting diodes. LEDs come in a much wider variety than any other available light source in terms of size, color, intensity, power consumption, heat and so on. However, so long as an LED is emitting PAR,…
Red radiation (around 700nm) is considered most efficient at driving photosynthesis – especially in the flowering stage for biomass growth (important to Cannabis growers). Blue light is essential for both the vegetative and flowering stages of plant growth, but mainly…
Before you decide to choose LED grow lights, you must consider your crops and your cost budget. All full cycle high-quality LED grow lamps sold on the market will enable plants to grow from seedlings to flowers. But some grow…
Since there are so many models of LED plant grow lamps available in the market, it is very difficult for the first time to buy a grow light for the beginners, To know which one is the best grow lamp…
Because seedlings are at the beginning of the plant life cycle, they cannot absorb a lot of light in the early stage. Seedlings don’t need much light. They burn easily. Light intensity is measured in PPFD (sometimes called PAR) and…
Quantum boards are the highest efficiency, high-intensity horticulture light engines with the diodes spreading out on a much larger board, which in turn makes for more light distribution. They are one of the great lights with a much simpler thermal…
Quantum board with a much simpler thermal management system with much greater efficiency. Also, it has much lower power consumption which can minimize the overall cost of heat sinks When you plan to buy quantum board LED grow lights to…
There many kinds of grow lights for indoor plants, like HID grow lights, CFL grow light and Led grow lights; But more and more growerst start choosing to grow with a high-quality LED grow lights because your plants will thrive,…
For most small, vegetative plants grown indoors, LED grow lights are recommended as the grow light of first choice. Bright, white LED grow lights cover the red-blue areas of the color spectrum. These properties increase the chances of obtaining enhanced…